The Garden Of Eth🤲

Embarking on a Journey through an Artistic WonderlandWithin the confines of a canvas, a captivating masterpiece unfolds—a mesmerizing tapestry where imaginati... [read more]

Category: Art


This special 1/1 nft is my personal rendition of the modern renaissance that the art world is currently going through with the massive wave of Crypto art rapidly making an impact. This piece depicts my favorite meme and Crypto icon, Doge, surrounded by some of the other iconic Crypto collectibles such as Crypto punks, Bored apes, lazy lions, G'evols, Pudgy penguins and Chromie squiggles. All of them lay below as Elon Musk-The Doge father, watches over them from above whilst being surrounded by his Doge angels and as the famous Nyan Cat ascends up to Crypto heaven.