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Welcome to trendhub!

Items store content along with metadata and statistics.
Hubs display content and offer the room for discussion, collaboration and evaluation.

Add items to hubs, collaborate on tools like Google docs, Miro, Sheets, and more.
Share your thoughts and add insights or just like your favorite trendsetter’s content.
Provide and retrieve expert opinion on topics you love.
The tailored AI assistant supports your personal content creation process or with your community.

Expert Likes
Invest in your opinion. Deposit 1 $ in CRED by giving an expert like for a particular item.
Add valuable content to the discussion and earn CRED while your content is in demand.

Craft and monetize unique content experiences and subscribe to your favourite discussion.

Meet Jane
Jane used to play the piano, bass, and various other insturments but persued another passion and became a movie director.
Meet John
John is an enthusiast who plays the guitar since he was 7, is a professional musician, writes, discusses about guitar music and music in general.

He also offers private lessons as subscription, where he offers a guided course through several hubs and regular live meetings.
Additionally he engages in discussions where his expert Opinion is questioned.
John’s subscription fees and engagement are rewarded with
Jane seeks inspiration and public opinion on trendhub.

When she is undecided, she regularly launches hubs with articles she has found on social media and lets her followers vote for their favorite. Sometimes she also asks technical questions when it comes to her movies.
She then shares a hub with CRED and asks her question. Experts from the community can now contribute with expert likes and receive a share of the hub’s CRED if their opinion was correct.
John is such an Expert.


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