Items × test Hubs 0 Wins 0 Likes 0 Favorites 0 +1.30% 0.00 live @ trendhub Title test hub × × Item Title Your item will not be visible to others unless you select it for a hub. Private Item ADD ITEM MEDIA edit preview Select Item-Type Image/Gif NFT Image Editor Video Video URL PDF Google Maps Google Drive Website URL HTML Audio Item Youtube URL Process Enter Address Process Item Website URL Process Item HTML Process Google Drive Process CLICK OR DRAG & DROP YOUR FILE ITEM PREVIEW IMAGE Close Preview MORE SETTINGS ADD ITEM ADD ITEM CREATE CONTENT Description Upload × The format for the featured image of the item is cropped to 500x375px. To crop this image, drag a region below and then click "Save Image" Upload × The format for the featured image of the item is cropped to 500x375px. To crop this image, drag a region below and then click "Save Image" BUY Link The BUY link is the link that opens after clicking on the BUY button on the item page itself. This can be used for affiliate activities, for example. Gift Box Here you can pack a gift directly into the item, be it a picture, a video or even the invite code for the next hub. After a participant has clicked on the item in your hub and you have selected through the gift transport that this item should automatically transfer the gift after the end of the hub, your participant will automatically receive the gift in his profile. Name File URL Properties The item properties are displayed in the left-hand box in the hub below the carousel. The properties for each item are therefore displayed dynamically in your hub. Name Value(s) Create a new Item CURATE ITEMS Show my items To display your items, log in More of my items ADD SP +0.65VS 0 0 0 0 0 CORE SILENCE by Bianca ADD SP +0.65VS 0 0 0 0 0 Collage Project by Katharina Brosch ADD SP +0.65VS 0 0 0 0 0 PopArt Portrait by Katharina Brosch ADD SP +0.65VS 0 0 0 0 0 Cyberpunk by Katharina Brosch ADD SP +0.65VS 0 0 0 0 0 Dystopy by Katharina Brosch ADD SP +0.65VS 0 0 0 0 0 Realism, Impressionism, Cubism by Katharina Brosch ADD SP +0.65VS 0 0 0 0 0 PopArt by Katharina Brosch ADD SP +0.65VS 0 0 0 0 0 Syrealism by Katharina Brosch ADD SP +0.65VS 25.67 32 1 1 1 Boost Visibility and Earnings by Oliver Meyer ADD SP +0.65VS 62.17 29 6 6 1 Experimenting with AI by Oliver Meyer ADD SP +0.65VS 0 28 0 0 0 Art without AI by Oliver Meyer ADD SP +0.65VS 0.39 30 0 5 0 Using AI is legitimate by Oliver Meyer LOADING... CURATE ITEMS Hub Timer 1D 3D 7D 14D Create Hub